Personal projects so far

Unity/Metal Viewer for 4D Gaussian Splatting
A viewer system implemented on both Unity and Metal for 4D Gaussian Splatting, which is a method for reconstruct dynamic scenes in the real life. This project was completed during my internship at Curiosity Inc, where I focused on developing AI solutions for VR/AR applications.
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Homework project during the C++ internship at Bandai Namco Studio Inc. A simple Mario-style game made by C++ 17 using SFML
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Personal Website: Ebbilogue (WIP)
A Next.js, Tailwind CSS project which is based on Next App directory with React Server Component and uses Contentlayer to manage markdown content. Based on the tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog.
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PSN & Steam APIs in Golang (WIP)
A Golang project that provides APIs for PSN and Steam. It allows users to fetch data from PSN and Steam.
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